Monday, April 20, 2009


Competitive outlook, craving for more information and zeal to outshine in the academics has always been the key requirements of knowledge seekers. Moreover, with the integration of learning and technology, Gen X is looking for more from different quarters of education world.

They do not want to constrict themselves to a specified study support that they get in their schools but yearn to explore more and expand their knowledge base. They have become the masters of their own world and vie for quality study support beyond the boundaries of a school.

In search of real time study support, online study is becoming the foremost choice of net savvy generation. They find Internet like a treasure house that has solutions to all their queries. Moreover, today the information technology has embraced learning processes and given rise to innovative elearning method that students are actively opting. This new age learning method is not only qualitative but also economical.

What Is Online Study?

Online study if explained in simple terms is the usage of computer and Internet to avail study support anywhere, anytime. Here learners are given a free will to decide the comfort and pace of their learning process. They can schedule their learning hours as per their convenience. Students can avail the study support round the clock and strengthen their concepts to score extra marks in the exams.

Why Online Study Is Scoring Over Private Tuitions?

After school study support has always been the requirement of students to learn more. With the passage of time and advent of information technology, this support is just transgressing from private tuition centres to online study support. The reason behind this move is the convenience in terms of time, cost and energy that is lacking in private tuitions. Today a student can unearth lots of information and access standardised study modules through online study. Moreover, the process proves a boon to the students especially when exam fever grips them and they do not want to waste any time in travelling to the tuition centres.

We all know that learning pattern differs for every student. Having regular classroom teaching even after the school hours in the private tuition often becomes irksome to the students. They desire to explore more in their own terms and conditions; this is another reason that is making online study a foremost choice amongst students.

Complete Solution To Score Extra Marks In Exams

Excelling in exams with brilliant scores has always been the driving force of learning. When a student starts preparing for exams he looks out for sample papers, question papers and other test papers to get acquainted with the pattern and style of questions asked in exams. Online study websites cater to these requirements of the students by providing a collection of model test papers, board papers and other sample papers. Online availability of CBSE board papers, ICSE board papers and other board papers helps a student to prepare successfully for exams. Moreover study content based on CBSE syllabus further helps a student to comprehend the topics and add more information to score extra marks in exams. To meet the requirements of CBSE X board and other board students, online study website also offers online tests to check the proficiency level and revise the topics during last minute of exams.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Klik di sini untuk Seminar Bisnes Berapi

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


A good laugh will do wonders for you as smiling and laughing lowers your stress levels, wins you a friendly reputation, and helps your usually tense co-workers and bosses to relax.

Humour on the job will do a lot for your career, but there are a number of things you need to know about laughter and humour in the place of work.

Feeling good and having humour in our lives can do wonders for our position and productivity, which means that there is definitely a place for some humour on the job. Having a smiling face will help your co-workers and supervisors feel better being around you, and you may well end up reaping rewards by laughing more in the workplace. But you need to know how to apply humour in your work environment.

Laughing has been proven to be a huge stress reliever, letting you feel better and becoming more productive. To be able to loosen up and have some fun is great, so why not take that approach to work each day and lighten up around the work place? Smiling can make your job easier, more than ever if you work in customer service or sales. But there's certainly a right and incorrect way to use humour in the workplace.

One of the main rules with humour in the workplace is to avoid controversy when you are joking on the job. Stay well away from joking about political affairs, race and religion.

Sex is another unsafe topic because of sexual harassment in the workplace. Make sure that you stay well within the lines of decency.

Never make fun at other people within your organization, as you are trying to win friends with the people you work with, and not set against them. If you can't help yourself, please be extremely careful.

Poking fun at the work you do or the industry you work in is a good way to earn some smiles from your co-workers and supervisors. While these types of workplace jokes may not be so funny at home or with friends, as they really don't appreciate the pressures of your employment, the people who are around you in your job will definitely appreciate the humour about their frustrations and will be able to laugh over the situations instead of complaining.

Making jokes about the ups and downs of your trade is a safe way to add wit to the place of work. You will have the benefit of knowing precisely what your co-workers have to face each and every day, and it's much better as it helps to let go of tensions and lower stress levels by getting them to chuckle about the situations they come across frequently.

The very best time for some humour is when you are not working, but still in the region of the people you work with, such as a coffee or lunch break. You can also make an effort to be funny on the job, but when you are working, it's a good idea to use jokes much more thinly than you would normally do.

In general, humour in the workplace is a superb area to flex your creative muscles and give your job a little boost.

Humour in the workplace helps stress levels to drop, and your co-workers will feel better about working with you. Start gradually, and add a few more safe jokes here and there to incite a few smiles. Everyone will feel better because of your efforts.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009


Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009



In today’s competitive world, it pays to be smart. No matter how smart you are, I am sure there is something you could “get smarter” about. Below are some qualities of smart people. As you read the list, ask yourself: Am I as smart as I could be in this area? How could I get smarter?

1. Make Decisions Intuitively Smart people listen to and follow their intuition. They know how intuitions and insights come to them and are tuned-in internally to make wise decisions.

2. Are Self-Aware Smart people are aware of who they are--- strengths, weaknesses, personality, values, etc. As Confucious once said, “He who knows others is wise, he who knows himself is enlightened,” they know that the most important (and interesting) thing to know about is “self.”

3. Use Active Reflection Smart people reflect on and learn from past experiences, finding out what works and what doesn’t, and then adjusts their course of action as needed. They think about things before jumping in, and also take the time after-the-fact to actively reflect to fully understand what happened or didn’t happen.

4. Think Out-of-Box Smart people can easily entertain new ideas, thoughts, and ways of doing things. They crave progressive and forward thinking information, concepts, and people. They often come up with new and radical ideas on a regular basis.

5. Have An Open-Mind Smart people are open to different perspectives and see potential where most people don’t. They would agree with what the quote, “A mind is like a parachute, it only functions when it is open.” They are comfortable with paradoxes and can relate to many sides of an issue or opinion.

6. Are Responsive Smart people recognize and respond quickly to opportunities and people. They act and react fast, and take care of what needs to be taken care-of, well ahead of schedule.

7. Are Resourceful Smart people don’t have to know it all, but they do know where to go to get whatever information, resources, training, education that they need. They are well-networked and have people to call on for resource referrals.

8. Question Authority Smart people think for themselves. They do not blindly believe things so-called “experts” say, in fact, they ask deep questions to discover their own truth.

9. Upgrade Their Brain Smart people stay smart because they are committed to being a lifelong learner. They continuously learn new things, and stay current with their skills, attitudes, and beliefs.

10. Have a Sense of Humor Smart people do not take themselves or life too seriously. They recognize the importance of finding the fun in the irony and the comedy of everyday life.

11. Take Risks Smart people are willing to try out new things, knowing that if it doesn’t work out as intended, failure is often cleverly disguised as a learning opportunity. They “swing out there” often, and it usually pays off.

12. Trust Themselves Smart people believe and trust themselves first and foremost. They don’t have to check with others to make decisions, they instinctively know what is right for them and they go for it!

13. Write and List Things on Paper Smart people have a well-developed life strategy that includes a written life vision/mission, purpose, and goals statement. They also write lists---one for “have to’s” and one for “want to’s.”

14. Are Productive Smart people get things done, through whatever organizational/time management system that works for them. They make the most of each day and take action on important life tasks each and everyday.

15. Use Discernment Smart people are able to discern (see clearly) other’s reasons and motives, so they selectively choose who and what to align themselves with. They surround themselves with only the highest quality people, programs, and places.

16. Read, Read, Read Smart people tap into the collective brain power of others by reading books, magazines, articles---anything that is helpful for their own development. They are also able to filter out the information that fits for them and let the rest go.

17. Value Learning Smart people value the process of learning for learning’s sake. They do not just learn for a specific end---to get a certificate, degree, title, etc. They learn because it is intrinsically rewarding for them.

18. Teach Others Smart people are the teachers of the world, who share their knowledge with other people. They put themselves out there so the rest of us can benefit, and in exchange, their own learning grows and develops because they are actively talking about, researching, and understanding their subject.

19. Reinvent Themselves Smart people do not like to stay the same, they love to grow and develop. They often play with their image, brand, company name, and expand or change it entirely. To stay ahead of the game, they often reinvent themselves time and time again.

20. Are Students of Life Smart people not only know about specific subjects and topics, but also about what it means to be a human being at this time in our evolution. They are insatiably curious and want to know more about becoming bigger and brighter, as a result they naturally evolve. As Lao Tzu said, “To gain knowledge, add things everyday. To gain wisdom, remove things everyday.” This is so true, our brain is like a computer and in order for it to function at a higher level, we must always be adding, while simultaneously taking away information that no longer serves us. Think about it, what do you want to remove from your database? And, what new software program will you replace it with?

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Why people who more social succeed while those with merely a moderate IQ considerably fail?

First we need to understand that emotional intelligence (EQ) is not the opposite of the intelligence quotient (IQ); EQ is actually complementary to IQ resembled in academic intelligence and cognitive skills, and studies actually show that our emotional states affect the way our brain functions as well as its processing speed (Cryer qtd. in Kemper).

Studies have even shown that Albert Einstein's superior intellectual ability may have been linked to the part of the brain that supports psychological functions, dubbed the amygadla. The natures of EQ and IQ differ however in the ability to learn and develop them. IQ is a genetic potential that is established at birth and happens to be fixed after a certain age (pre-puberty) and can not be developed nor increased after then. EQ on the contrary can be learned, developed and improved at any age, and studies have actually shown that our ability to learn emotional intelligence increases as we get older.

Another difference is that IQ is a threshold capability that can only show you the road to your career and gets you working in a certain field but it is EQ that walks through that road and gets you promoted in that field. Therefore, striking a balance between IQ and EQ is an important element of managerial success. For some extent, IQ is a driver of productive performance; however IQ-based competencies are considered "threshold abilities" i.e. the skills needed for you to do an average job.

On the other hand, EQ-based competencies and skills are by far more effective, especially at higher levels of organizations where IQ differences are negligible. When a comparative study matched star performers against average ones in top organizational levels, 85 % was attributed to EQ-based competencies rather than IQ. Dr. Goleman says that even though organizations are different, have different needs, it was found that EQ contributed by 80-90% of predicting success in organizations in general.

EQ vs. IQ: Case Study
To better illustrate the value-added of EQ competencies relative to IQ, we refer to the case, which was conducted by Dr. Goleman and two renowned EQ researchers, to analyze how EQ competencies contributed to profits in a large accounting firm. First, the participants' IQs and EQs were tested and analyzed thoroughly, then they were organized in work teams and each work team was trained on one form of EQ competency like self-management and social skills; however they left one team with participants with a high IQ to act as a control for the study.

Then when they evaluated the economic value-added of EQ competencies and IQ, the results were remarkable. The team with high social skills scored a 110% incremental profit, while the self-control partners scored a massive 390% incremental profit which was valued at $ 1,465,000 more profit per year. Conversely, the partners with high cognitive and analytical skills, reminiscent of IQ, added just 50% incremental profit, which indicate that IQ give support to performance but this support is limited owing to its being a threshold capability; EQ-based competencies apparently supports performance far more.


Don't study hard, but SMART!!!!!!!!!
Study skills: do you start reading at one end of your library and try to read through to the other end?

Of course not. So you already know one effective approach. Be selective! We can build on that now.
More Study Skills - what not to study
Whole books
Your teacher tells you to read "War and Peace". If you have study skills you won't! Even with perfect memory - how much of the book can you cover in an exam essay that takes 40 minutes to write?

Look through the library for abridged versions of your books, or commentaries... Now you're using your study skills.
Buy your textbooks 2nd hand. Why do you think they are in perfect condition? Because the last students hardly opened them!
Why should you buy books that the last student didn't read? Now you're thinking! Now you're using study skills.

Whole syllabus
One benefit of attending classes is that you get a skeleton outline to apply your study skills. The skeleton will be complete for the sake of completeness. But only some parts matter to your study skills.

Study yourself - you're interesting aren't you?
Each day write down at what time of day you didn't mind using your study skills, and could really get down to work. Write down the times when you hated to study. I study best early in the morning. You might study best late at night.
Do you work best in a totally silent room, or with background music?
Do you work better if you are petting the dog or does it interfere with your study skills?

Use your spying study skills
Find past exam papers in the library. Put them in order by date, then go through the earliest one, and write down the subjects in a column at the left of your page. Put the date at the top of the second column and a tick for each subject. Now put the date of the next paper and a tick opposite each subject that is repeated, and write in any new subjects.

Do the same for all the years that you have. Why is the date important? Look at your table. If a subject appeared every year from the left, then suddenly stopped appearing it probably means that the examiner changed. Study all the subjects that appear every year first. Then study those that appear four years out of five... you get the idea.

Important study skills - Make a calendar
Plan in detail which subjects you'll study on which days until the exam.
Don't be too ambitious. You already know that at some times of the day you can't use your study skills. You know that you won't want to study on your birthday or Christmas day or... Just be realistic. A calendar that gives you over a thousand hours of study isn't as good as one that gives you 400 hours that you can stick to.

Become an expert
You've used your study skills to cut out big chunks of your syllabus. Use the time you save to learn more about the parts you've left than the examiner knows. Use the internet to search for exciting snippets of information about your shortened syllabus.
Perhaps your examiner doesn't know the exact day of the week on which an important bit of history happened. Perhaps you've forgotten what you read about it, but write down your best guess. The examiner will be impressed, because he doesn't know that you got it wrong!

Study skills for the day of the exam
Everyone will tell you that if you don't know it, it is too late to learn. They are wrong! They are talking about long-term memory. You will be using short-term memory.
As you are sitting outside the exam room study your formulae, or dates, or anything else that you have difficulty remembering. Whenever the examiner says that you can start writing, write down all these things on scrap paper. You have managed to remember them for ten minutes. You can now forget them until you need them again, which may be never.

Study skills in the exam
"That isn't allowed!" you exclaim. It definitely is allowed. If you have a multiple choice paper just miss every question that you don't know. There is usually another related question somewhere. When you see it, you will work out the answer to the question that you didn't know. That is study isn't it?

Study smart - not longer than everyone else. Start with a free report on the most powerful exam technique.